
Autor: Rainer Kothe
Datum vydání: 1994

Staženo: 1632 x

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another game by Rainer Kothe. It was originally programmed for a hardware named Multipad (paddle+joypad in one device) and this game, besides some demos by AMC-Verlag, makes use of that combination. One can use the paddle to move the ski`s (left-right) and the joystick to speed up/slow down (up/down). Originally one had to use joystick trigger to start the game and to jump over hurdles, but Homesoft patched it, so that one can now use the paddle trigger instead - which means one can now play this game with a paddle only...

The game also came with red/green glasses and pressing the Select key enables the real 3D effect (only some flicker without the glasses). One could even use fine control to set the 3D effect in front of your screen (to you) or to its back (away from you)... Afaik Birdman and Superski are the only real 3D programs on the A8 or the only programs that make use of red/green 3D glasses...

18. 4. 2010
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